Optimize Low Temperature Performance of Asphaltic Concrete Mixtures.


Complies with AASHTO TP10 and EN 12697-46

The The Thermal Stress Restrained Specimen Test (TSRST) is used to determine the low-temperature cracking susceptibility of asphalt concrete.

Oregon State University (OSU) and OEM, Inc. developed the servo controlled TSRST apparatus as part of a Strategic Highway Research Program in the USA. The test method became AASHTO TP10 in 1993.

Asphalt Pavement Thermal Testing System (TSRST)

Asphalt Pavement Thermal Testing System (TSRST)

With over 20 years of experience, and as the original developers of the computerized TSRST machine, OEM-Cooper are the recognized world class experts in the field.

OEM-Cooper developed a version of the TSRST to perform tests included in EN 12697-46. Now as a multipurpose low temperature testing machine, the TSRST has been renamed the Asphalt Pavement Thermal Testing System (APTTS).

Key Features

  • Cool or heat an Asphaltic Concrete (AC) specimen at a constant rate or hold a constant temperature
  • Simulate actual field conditions with user programmable temperature profiles
  • Perform cyclic temperature testing
  • Minimizes radial and/or transverse forces with spherical rod end bearings and loading links

Key Uses

  • Determines the failure characteristics of Asphaltic Concrete (AC) specimens when cooled below freezing according to a user defined temperature profile.
  • Evaluates low temperature performance of field cores from existing roads.
  • Test laboratory compacted cores of new or experimental mixes.
  • Demonstrates the effects on low temperature performance of modified binders and from adding modifiers to standard binders


The Cooper-OEM APTTS performs the following:

AASHTO TP10    Standard Test Method for Thermal Stress Restrained Specimen Tensile Strength

EN12697-46   Low temperature cracking and properties by uniaxial tension

  • 8.1  Uniaxial tension stress test (UTST)
  • 8.2  Thermal stress restrained specimen test (TSRST)
  • 8.3  Relaxation test (RT)
  • 8.4  Tensile creep test (TCT)


A stepper-motor driven screwjack applies tensile strain or maintains the specimen at constant length (strain).

Two or three Linear Variable Differential Transformers (LVDTs) monitor changes in the length of the specimen, while the load cell monitors the tensile load.

One to four Resistance Temperature Devices (RTDs) sense the test specimen or dummy specimen temperature while an environmental cabinet RTD senses the air temperature.

Test Procedure

  • Position the prepared asphaltic concrete specimen perpendicular and central to the platens using the Specimen Alignment Stand, then epoxy the specimen ends to the platens.
  • Place the specimen in the environmental cabinet, attach the transducers and adjust the LVDTs.
  • Select the software module, choose the desired temperature profile, preload if required, then start the test.
  • The program follows the test sequence and controls the loading and cabinet temperature as specified in the test method.
  • On completion of the test sequence, or at test failure, the software module stops the servo controlled loading system and switches off the heating and cooling.


The APTTS software controls your test, logs data in real time, plots the data points and produces graphs.

Download Commercial Leaflet of Asphalt Pavement Thermal Testing System (TSRST)